Sunday, February 19, 2012

The unique person

The unique person

Every human being has its peculiarities.

Each one has its history, beliefs and thoughts that are directly linked to its creation.

The experiences of childhood, family patterns, behaviors and values ​​rooted adopted, constitute the essence of a person.

Many suffer needlessly for wanting to change others according to their beliefs.

They forget how deeply these truths are structured.

People are unique:

"No one is equal to anyone and no one is perfect."

We all know that no human being is perfect. Parents are not perfect.

The head is not perfect. Employees are not perfect.

Customers are not perfect.

Friends are not perfect.

The spouse is not perfect.

The children are not perfect.

We (you and me) we're not perfect.

Everyone knows that.

So why do we want to find perfection in the other?

After all, if we are making a journey of improvement, the imperfection is part of the evolutionary process.

So, for someone has more virtues, commit, at some point in life, little slips.

That is, people are as they are for their own reasons and not to hurt others.

If you do not behave according to our expectations, we believe that they are acting

like that to hurt us when, in fact, this is just his way of being.

So let's rethink our attitudes and accept life in all its shapes, colors and sizes and the people as they are.

Remember, the more secure you feel in your process of change, the less will depend the decision of others, feel less a prisoner of someone or something.

The change starts in you.

When you change,

The world changes around you!


I'm not perfect, but I like you!

Dora Saunier

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